Academic Operations Analytics

Predictive Insights that Drive Operational Excellence

Support student success with actionable scheduling and curriculum analytics built for improving operational efficiency and accelerating degree completions.

The Market Leader in Academic Operations | Serving 300+ Campuses with 2M+ Students

Bringing Enrollment, Degree Audit & Pathway Data Together to Support Students & Financial Health

Analyze & Act in One Platform

Often analytic solutions are too disconnected from action – siloed data sources, reports, and analyses act as barriers that keep leaders from successfully operationalizing and acting on the insights gleaned.

On Demand, Predictive Insights

Predictive data empowers campus & department leaders to confidently project instructional resource requirements. Decision-makers are equipped with the insights they need on-demand.

A Counterbalance to Subjectivity

Fight subjectivity with objective, accessible data on how your academic operations are performing. Data-informed decision support is no longer siloed from the action.

Academic Operations Analytics Helps You Answer:

Have We Built Clear Pathways?

Understand how your curriculum is impacting students’ ability to complete their programs of study on time by analyzing course, program, and pathway insights. Get answers to questions like:

Which programs have missing or unclear pathways that are impacting student progression?

Which course combinations are creating completion barriers for our students?

How many sections should I schedule for each course to ensure students can access their pathway-required courses this term?

Are we offering sections at a time that students can access them?

Programs analysis data in Coursedog's Academic Operations Analytics software.

Is Our Curriculum Financially-Sustainable?

Learn how your curriculum and scheduling practices are contributing to your institution’s bottom line. Get answers to questions like:

Which programs are we overinvesting in when looking at the output of student credit hours?

Which programs have the lowest margins?

What is our tuition revenue, instructor cost, and margin by section and program?

Are We Being Efficient Stewards of Our Space & Instructional Resources?

Understand the utilization of your institution’s most expensive resources: facilities & faculty. Get answers to questions like:

Does our academic schedule align with student demand?

Is there an opportunity to consolidate course sections to free up resources for high demand courses?

Are we reaching capacity with our available space? Where are we mis-utilizing our space?

Which departments are over-utilizing instructor teaching times?