Coursedog vs. Excel & Other Manual Processes in Academic Operations

Before switching to Coursedog, our institutional partners tried everything to piece together and execute their academic operations: email, spreadsheets, paper forms, shared documents, best guesses, phone calls, meetings, and more.

“There has to be a better way.”

There is.

The work of academic operations is still a highly manual process for many institutions today, often relying on manual solutions such as spreadsheets, forms, and simply emailing back and forth with collaborators in order to get courses scheduled, the curriculum updated, and a course catalog published.

Fortunately, with Coursedog, there is a better way.

Before Switching to Coursedog

Before Coursedog, many of our institutional partners felt stuck using manual processes. They wanted to do so many more innovative intitiaves on campus but manually managing academic operations got in the way.

Academic administrators were overwhelmed because they were tasked with: 

Executing academic schedules on time

Ensuring campus space was being properly utilized

Publishing an updated catalog

Managing curriculum updates

All while juggling other essential student services and without any software to help.

Their work was made even more complicated with siloed processes that resulted in duplicated work and extended timelines that ultimately affected students.

Because they felt overwhelmed, disconnected, and like they were spending more time on these manual processes than on student success, these institutions were determined to find a better way:

“For scheduling, we were looking for technology to replace Excel spreadsheets and duplicated work between the departments and the Registrar’s Office in an effort to shorten the time to create the schedule each semester and reduce the number of last minute schedule changes.”

Gabriela Wanless

Assistant Registrar for Catalog and Scheduling at John Carroll University

“...the question we always get asked is space. We have limited space and if you need to rent additional space, you've got to get out ahead of it. We've never been able to quantify it..."

Laura Patrick

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research at the Laguna College of Arts and Design

"The thought of switching platforms can be daunting, but you have to ask yourself what have you compromised with your current vendor? What practices and solutions have you said ok we'll do it that way but you really don't like it? We forget that there are other ways we can do it."

Jennifer Creech

AVP for Student Success and Registrar at Chaminade University

"We needed a strategic partner to integrate siloed processes and bring a high level of collaboration."

Dr. Jill Wright

AVP of Assessment, Accreditation, Academic Services at Illinois Central College

After Switching to Coursedog

With Coursedog, academic administrators can spend less time on manual work and more time using Coursedog to implement innovations that will move the needle on student enrollment, retention, and graduation rates.

Now, our nearly 100 institutional partners feel like they have the tools they need to empower their faculty and administrators to make student-centered decisions and implement those decisions in one integrated platform.

On top of that, each institution has a dedicated customer success manager who works with them every step of the way, ensuring that they feel supported and confident when using the platform.

Learn More About Coursedog's Integrated Platform

“There were times during the last two and a half years where Coursedog made me feel like JCU was their only customer. That type of focus on customer satisfaction is greatly appreciated.”

Gabriela Wanless

Assistant Registrar for Catalog and Scheduling at John Carroll University

“It's easy in our line of work to double book a room or double book a faculty and all of a sudden you've got 36 kids enrolled in something and you say, I'm just kidding, you can't take that class at that time. [Coursedog] is just a more streamlined, efficient, clear process. And I think that is money in the bank for our business needs.”

Laura Patrick

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research at the Laguna College of Arts and Design

I want to give colleagues and staff the resources and tools they need to do their jobs effectively,” she said. “The Coursedog platform has allowed us to do that.”

Jennifer Creech

AVP for Student Success and Registrar at Chaminade University

"We began to think strategically about how to get this work done, instead of every semester feeling like we had never scheduled classes before."

Dr. Jill Wright

AVP of Assessment, Accreditation, Academic Services at Illinois Central College

Seamless, bi-directional, real-time SIS integrations & more

Coursedog accommodates bi-directional, real-time integrations with all SISs, communication platforms like gSuite & Outlook, as well as SSO providers like SAML, Shibboleth, and CAS.

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